
Community Call - July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024
1 min read time

Community Call - July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024
1 min read time

ETH CC: Several meetings with partner protocols took place at ETHCC last week. Feedback on Autopilot has been great as excitement builds toward the open launch. The panel recording will be shared as soon as it becomes available.

Audit Update: Constant communication with Hexens is ongoing. There have been no issues found that would impact the schedule. The team is impressed with the level of depth and understanding Hexens is demonstrating with the code. The full system preliminary audit findings will be delivered to Tokemak next Friday (August 2nd). A follow-up audit for incremental code is planned, which is planned to be conducted in parallel with audit fixes.

Marketing: A ramped approach is being implemented, with activity now increasing and a substantial amount of content in reserve. The team is eagerly anticipating the launch phase, which is looking to be an exciting period.

balETH: Announcement of the collaboration with Balancer to launch the balETH Autopool was shared on X/Twitter this week. It is currently in the proof of concept stage. By having their own Autopool, they are able to streamline their liquidity provision, not just for their current users but also by expanding the addressable market for liquidity providers to anyone that wants passive exposure to balETH itself. balETH will integrate multiple pool types, including metastable, gyroscope and concentrated liquidity, while providing a composable receipt token that the team is excited to integrate into DeFi.

Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for your continued support!


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