
Tokemak Community Update: Autopilot Launch and Roadmap

September 13, 2024
3 min read time

Tokemak Community Update: Autopilot Launch and Roadmap

September 13, 2024
3 min read time

Tokemak Community Update: Autopilot Launch and Roadmap

Tokemak Autopilot launches this coming Monday, September 16th.

After a thorough security review process, Tokemak is now ready to transition from its current guarded launch phase to an open launch for external LPs.

1. Autopilot: A New Way to LP

Tokemak developed Autopilot to introduce automated liquidity to DeFi. As a novel LP aggregation primitive, Autopilot monitors and autonomously routes liquidity across eligible LP destinations. This is achieved through configurable Autopools (ERC-4626), which represent option sets of eligible destinations for liquidity rebalances. As a result, Autopool LPs receive passive and optimal returns that, over the long term, outperform all constituent pools.

These returns are then auto-compounded into the respective Autopool. Furthermore, LPs remain composable with DeFi through LATs (Liquid Auto Tokens), the Autopool's yield-bearing receipt tokens. In summary, Autopools are automated liquidity networks tokenized through LATs.

2. Autopools: Live at Launch

Autopilot will launch with 3 core ETH-denominated Autopools:

  • autoETH - Autopool configured with ETH LST LP positions deployed across integrated DEXs
  • autoLRT - Autopool configured with ETH LRT LP positions deployed across integrated DEXs. This specific Autopool accounts for points using implied rates from yield markets to optimally rebalance liquidity
  • balETH - Autopool developed in partnership with Balancer, which rebalances LPs exclusively across Balancer pools. This custom deployment highlights the configurable nature of Autopools and its value proposition to streamline liquidity across DeFi protocols with extensive user bases

3. Post-launch Roadmap

As an LP aggregator, Autopilot has a long roadmap of integrations and expansion opportunities to fulfill. Beyond the expansion to additional integrated assets and DEXs, the following items are an integral part of this process.

3.1. Layer 2

Shortly after the mainnet launch, Autopilot's open launch will go live on Base, with baseETH as its flagship Autopool. This deployment is already active in the current guarded launch phase. The goal is to establish a strong presence in the Base ecosystem early on, as we believe it to be the L2 with the greatest growth potential. The L2 expansion will then proceed to Arbitrum and other OP stack L2s, prioritized based on addressable markets and potential partnerships.

3.2. New Assets - USD Autopools

USD Autopools will be the second type of market supported on Autopilot, catering to the needs of USD stablecoin LPs. This large addressable market presents a major expansion opportunity for Tokemak.

3.3. Permissionless Autopools

Autopilot’s architecture will enable permissionless Autopool deployments. Instead of joining pre-configured Autopools, LPs will have the ability to select desired liquidity destinations among existing integrations, thereby creating customized risk profiles. Beyond individual users, this opens opportunities for specialized third parties, such as risk managers, to use Autopilot as a platform to launch Autopools.

3.4. Tokenomics v1.5

The existing accTOKE model will be upgraded to sTOKE, and will introduce a new form of token utility. Users will be able to:

  • Vote TOKE to Autopools
  • Earn rewards generated by Autopools based on voting choices

More details about this upgrade will be released in the coming weeks.

3.5. Cross-chain Rebalancing

Tokemak is developing a proof of concept (POC) that leverages ZK coprocessors to enable cross-chain liquidity rebalancing. This technology, currently in its R&D stage, will allow Autopilot to reach its LP aggregation endgame and position Tokemak as a pioneer in applying ZK coprocessors to DeFi use cases.

4. Security Review Process

A secure architecture and protocol design are defined from the start, with the codebase rigorously tested through unit, integration, and fuzz tests, as well as internal reviews. The following summarizes the comprehensive security review process that Tokemak underwent, along with ongoing security best practices.

  • Full system audit with Hexens
  • Crowd competition audit with Sherlock
  • Formal verification with Certora, paired with a crowd-sourced audit curated by Hats Finance
  • Bug bounty programs with Immunefi and Remedy
  • Real-time monitoring with Hypernative

A more comprehensive review of Autopilot’s security approach is set to be released post-launch, providing both users and the wider community with a detailed overview of Tokemak’s security procedures.

5. Final Remarks

A long development cycle comes to a close, but ahead of us lies an expansive roadmap with a singular vision: delivering automated liquidity to DeFi. We want to extend our gratitude to the Tokemak community who supported this vision along the way. Together with you, we aim to fulfill the ambition that inspired Autopilot’s creation.

If you’d like to learn more about Autopilot, we encourage you to read our blog post, which offers a complete overview of the system: https://blog.tokemak.xyz/post/autopilot

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